Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Turning Toward Romania

It's snowing here again this morning, sort of a surprise thing. It is March and time for the spring to begin pushing winter away. The crocus were blooming yesterday but now are getting smushed by the snow. I looked for an old picture of the crocus but thought that the tropical flowers from St. Martin were better.

This past weekend included our 'sponsors dinner'. We invited the six folks that gave us reference letters for the Peace Corps application to join us here at the house for a meal. While a couple of folks couldn't make it -- perhaps they did not wish to claim responsiblity -- those that did come enjoyed a fine evening of good food and good companionship. At least, I hope they enjoyed it, I did. All three of my references attended, however only one of Nancy's could make it -- so maybe it's Nancy's references that have concerns, like what she'll do to them when she gets back?

On Sunday evening we were invited to a dinner hosted by four Romanian graduate students from James Madison Universtity. We had taken them out for a meal previously to pick their brains and they returned the favor by having us at their appartment and served us traditional Romanian food. Mammaluga and Plum Brandy and Salam and Sheep Cheese and Grape Leaves Stuffed with Meat, Soup and Apple Stroudel. It was excellent and let us know that we'll not starve while we are doing our service.

I was reassured that they have great pillows in Romania so I will not have to take mine -- see an earlier post.

We came away impressed with these four young folks and their energy and friendliness. It's about two and a half months before departure and we've gotten so much positive feedback that we continue to look forward to our adventure.


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