Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Missing Bach

Gabriela had the sharp good looks that I generalize as typical of the prettiest of Romanian women. She was thin, naturally, as nearly all women of her age are. She was thin, but not pinched. Her hair was black, lustrous and undyed. Her eyes were deep brown, a color most common here, but also most appealing. She was neither too short nor too tall. Her posture was straight, her smile appeared often and her intelligence, determination and spirit occasionally revealed themselves in that smile.

Many of the young people of her age are affected by a malaise, a discouragement, about their country and their lives. It is unfortunate, for through the eyes of an outsider Romania seems a land of great change and potential. From time to time, Gabby shared the despondency of her peers, but most often the opposite showed, her vitality and enthusiasm. That enthusiasm displayed itself most often in her music. Gabby was a cellist. More accurately, she was a student of the cello.

The above two paragraphs are from a short fiction that I have recently completed. It's much too large to put on the blog, but if you are interested I'd be glad to email you complete copy. My email is snowridge2000@yahoo.com Just say that you'd to read it and I'll send it along.



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