Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Cows Coming Home

Our house -- I should say our Gazda's house (Gazda means host family) in Rasnov is in the older part of the city. Now, that's a good thing. The older parts of cities and towns in Romania are the sections created before the communists started building cinder block apartments. The house has been in the family at least three generations and we've a seperate bedroom to ourselves. There are family chickens and of course a watch dog -- Toby. Celu and Betty are the parents. He's 71, she's 51. Both are exceptional good hosts, showing us continued patience in helping with the Romanian.....

Every day at 7 pm sharp, the cows come home. Not to our house, but all along the street people open their gates to let the cows in. They come without direction for they know the way. It's really something to see the animals walking up the street by themselves, each cow going into its own place. In the morning they walk down to the common pasture, but we've always been sleeping when that happens.

Still haven't gotten on with pictures, but maybe soon.


At June 3, 2005 at 8:46 AM, Blogger Steve Sharpe said...

I forgot to give you my email... srsharpejr@hotmail.com
Hope to hear from you soon. Steve


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