Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Monday, May 30, 2005


Buna Zuia,

I think Nancy and I are both overflowing with Romanian words and numbers. They're coming out of our ears. Unfortunately, they are suppose to be coming out of our mouths.

Still no pictures for I haven't figured out a way to download from the internet cafe sites that I'm sending messages through. But it is very pretty here. Pretty and interesting. We are in a small town living with a Gazda - a host family. We've our own room with a large bed -- lumpy bed, but it does have a good pillow. And the food is great. Lots of food.

I'll put on a long description of the place and the training when I finally get the pictures posted, meantime, know that we are both healthy and in good spirits.



At June 1, 2005 at 12:51 PM, Blogger Steve Sharpe said...

glad you guys made it o.k. sounds like you are already having fun... today is my first day back at beaver run as the bell capt. and lupe and my friend frank and i have a new house on boreas pass rd. just down the street from our first place in breckenridge. we are going for a bike ride to the top of the pass today both to look at the little field where we got married and to remember our friend chris who died two years ago yesterday. we had a great memorial day cookout and house warming party with 20 or so friends who helped us move in the last of our things. frank has his drum kit in the living room and lupe has her paints and canvasses in the loft. very artsy house... it's wonderful. have fun and i'll post again soon. love steve


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