Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Saturday, April 23, 2005


It's now less than a month before Nancy and I assemble with 66 other Peace Corps Volunteers in Philadelphia. We're all headed to Romania. It's an exciting time, this waiting for our grand adventure to begin, but, as always, these days of April move too fast, are gone too soon. I enjoy looking to the Blue Ridge and watching the slow moving wave of green climb the hills. Down here in the valley most all of the trees are in leaf, but further up the ridges, they are still bear. Each varity of tree has a different shade of green. Later in the season the color will be much more homogonized, but now there are fifty varieties of color.

Spring is also the season of new born foals. It's been two years now since my last horse had a foal, Rita. I've reduce my horse stock to four. Momma, still lively at the age of 28, the matraich of the clan, and her youngest daughter, Sparky, now herself 11. Two horses are in training, Lucky Nell, age 4 and still winless and black Rita, the two year old, just now learning the technique of running fast.


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