Tim & Nancy's Adventures

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Pentru Pasari (For the Birds)

Pentru Pasari
(For the Birds)

Many of you know that Nancy and I take enjoyment from the many birds that come to our winter feeders in Virginia. My mother was famous for her dedication to donating suet and sunflower seed and mixed thistles to the birds in her yard and I have inherited a portion of that impulse. Here in Romania the creatures have no institutional memory of coming to a feeder for a winter handout. So I’m sure they, along with our neighbors, are given cause to wonder about us Americans when they examine my set up.

My homemade bird feeder is hanging in a rose bush outside our apartment window. It’s not far from the main entrance door to the block and in a high traffic area, but there is good protection for the birds from the wandering cats. I created the feeder out of a plastic Pepsi bottle adding a chop stick for landing spots. It’s a funny looking thing but it serves to keep the seeds dry. It’s taken a week for the first bird to venture up to taste the cracked corn and seed I’ve placed there.

I’ve not seen a bird feeder in Romania though Nancy tells me of another hand made one at her office. For food I’ve mixed some cracked corn meal and a small sunflower type seed together. These are meant for human consumption, but the birds don’t seem to mind, now that they’ve found it. As of now the only variety that ventures to the feeder are a pair similar to the black and white chickadees that are common in Virginia but the Romanian version is more colorful with a buff yellow breast. Nancy says they are called ‘tits’ and that might be true, but I know a good pair of tits when I see them, and these birds don’t qualify as such. I haven’t succeeded in getting a good picture of the tits yet, but if anyone would happen to have one (picture I mean) it would be appreciated if you would share it.

So far they only come in the morning and do not linger, but I suspect as the word gets out that free food is available, we’ll see many more.

I am posting this on Christmas day and as many of you have inquired about Romanian customs for Christmas, I’ve also posted another entry below.


At January 1, 2006 at 2:12 AM, Blogger The Book Guy said...

Try this web page for birding in Romania: http://www.fatbirder.com/links_geo/europe/romania.html


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